Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Can You Help Promote SimpleMiss?

If you are interested in checking out SimpleMiss products and helping us earn money  for our adoption expenses, please consider these options:
·        We (mainly my sister) are making unique creations faster than I can get pictures on the blog. Many are one of a kind and quite spectacular. Feel free to stop by my house to see the latest (I'm working on a little "show room" upstairs)

·        Raelene VanDalen has too kindly offered to keep a small supply of the SimpleMiss products at her salon at home and in town (Creative Design)

·        Have a home party!!! After the holidays, I'm hoping for friends willing to invite some ladies (young and old) to get together for a little food and fellowship. I'll quickly share our adoption story and let people check out the pretties. (There's perks for the hostesses....)

·        If you have a heart for adoption, but aren't interested in the products, you might consider donating supplies or helping financially. A considerable amount of cost goes into the production.

We LOVE you all and are sooooo THANKFUL for your support!!!!

We have a court date!!!

This process has gone sooooo much faster than our last adoption. It was only last spring when we again sensed God’s call . . . and joyfully stepped out in faith and obedience to adopt from Ethiopia. Not wanting to lose focus on each other and our four kids, we took things sloooow at first. In late September, on a conference call from YWAM Adoption Ministry, we were shocked to hear a referral was close! We expected to wait several months or even a year longer. After quickly completing a few more forms and notarizing about 100 documents, we received the official referral for Firomsa (9 months), on Taylor's 17th birthday, October 11. Within a month, our case had been submitted to the Ethiopian court, and we were appointed a December 23 court date. On December 16,  Melissa and her mom will travel to Ethiopia to meet Firomsa (who we call "Max") and attend the court appointment. Returning late Christmas Eve, we will be home just in time for Christmas! Although Max  will be legally ours in Ethiopia, we have to wait for the US Embassy to give him permission to come home. Hopefully this will happen soon!!!

LHS Craft Show HUGE Success!!!

Thanks to all who supported us at the LHS Craft Show. We earned enough to pay for a plane ticket to Ethiopia!

Amy VanDalen (The Abbey Project) donated all her earnings to our adoption cause. I love ya Ames!!!